The initial public offering (IPO) of agrochemicals manufacturing company India Pesticides Ltd opened for subscription from June 23-25. The company is offering shares with a face value of Rs 1 in the price band of Rs 290-296 each to raise a total of Rs 800 crore.
The minimum order size is 50 shares and multiples of 50 shares thereafter. The shares will be listed on the BSE and NSE, tentatively on July 5, 2021.
You can also subscribe to this IPO through the discount broking app Upstox.
Here are the steps to do so via the Upstox websiteapp:
Step 1:
Log in to the Upstox application with your credentials.
Step 2: Select the IPO that you want to invest in and create an IPO application (India Pesticides Ltd in this case).
Step 3: Add up to three bids within the price range.
Step 4: Confirm your application.
Step 5: Accept the UPI mandate and block funds on the mobile UPI app.
According to Upstox, monsoon has brought delight to India's IPO market, which is seeing action after a two-month hiatus. The firm added that it is the best opportunity for investors and traders to add stocks at the offer price.
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